GFWC Information

Before you can understand all there is to know about GFWC Illinois, you first must understand where our story began. Organized in 1890 and headquartered in Washington DC, GFWC has a distinguished record of achievements on issues of historical importance to women, children, safety, education, conservation, the arts, international aid, public policy and legislation. Here are just a few of the achievements of GFWC Clubwomen:

  • 1899 – clubwomen established the national model for juvenile court law
  • 1906 – letter writing campaign helps secure passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act
  • WWI – established the War Service Fund which trained and sent 100 your women overseas to operate canteens for American soldiers
  • WWII – clubwomen raised $150 Million in the  “Buy the Bomber” campaign  which supplied 431 planes for war service
  • 1930 – GFWC is credited with establishing 75% of all the nation’s public libraries
  • 1960 – A longtime advocate of traffic safety, the GFWC Women’s Crusade for Seatbelts resulted in the installation of more than one million car seat belts in one year’s time

As you can see we have quite a history! To learn more about our historic past, please visit