Hello GFWC IL Juniors!
I hope you have had a fun and relaxing summer and that this cooler weather is as welcome to you as it is to me. With September brings the beginning of most of our clubs year. I am sure you are busy planning activities, programs and projects that will design better lives all over our state! Please keep a good record of those activities, programs and projects. Those records should include the number of hours, number of members amount of in kind donations and monies spent and donated. They should also include a description of what was done, how it was done and who benefited. Once you have all of that, you have a report. Reporting is that easy and our goal is to have every club, General, Junior and Juniorette submit at least one Report. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Please be on the lookout for the Reporting Packet, which should be distributed by your District Director of Junior Clubs this Fall. Once your receive your packet, be sure to open it immediately, it will include not only reporting information, but the 2016-2017 GFWC IL Yearbook, Treasurers Packet, Resolutions, Scholarship forms, Contest forms and much, much more! I know our Junior Clubs are out there helping design better lives, don’t keep it to yourself, tell us all about it by reporting!
Are you considering attending the Great Lakes Region Conference? It is the last weekend in October, the 27th – 30th. You still have time to register, but act soon, the deadline is September 24th. If you cannot make it to Wisconsin for GLR this year, then make plans for next year as we will be in our state, yep right here in Illinois. Mark your calendar, the dates are September 14th – 17th, 2017. We will share more information as soon as the plans are made.
Lastly I hope you have a productive club year and that you and your family enjoys the season. Remember take time to be thankful for all you have and for all you are able to do for others.
If you need anything, have any questions or just want to chat, I’m here…
In federation friendship,